Edhi Foundation is the single best foundation in Pakistan and one of the best social welfare service providers across the world. The Foundation is running on a non-commercial, non-political, and non-communal basis.
We are serving the community round-the-clock without any discrimination of color, class, and creed. We collectively cater to the needs of more than half a million individuals annually. We provide quality primary healthcare to the less privileged people in our society.
The cradles outside the Edhi centers foster abandoned babies and children. The Foundation nurtures disabled and handicapped people free, free caring and feeding women and elderly people who were subjected to torture or neglected by their families, and free support to ailing patients by providing free medication and medicines through his mobile dispensaries, hospitals, and the diabetic center at Karachi.
The Foundation provides the following services:
- land, air, and marine ambulance services during accidents to shift patients to hospitals
- national and international relief and aid assistance to the affectees of natural debacles
- relief aid to refugees in various countries
- emergency services to the sufferers of drought, fire, and flood, saving the lives of drowned people added with recovering dead bodies from the seas and floods
- free rehabilitating the drug addicts
- free tracing the missing people
- free arranging marriages for the helpless girls and boys
- free food, clothing, and blankets to needy people
- free technical education to needy people
- religious education to the children to make them the best human beings
- consultancy on family planning and maternity services
- free blood and plasma to the disadvantaged people
- free shelter, food, and caring for mentally retarded people
- caring by giving shelter and food to orphan and helpless children
- free legal aid to bail out the prisoners from the prisons
- financial and medical support to the prisoners
- crutches and support to the handicapped people
- free bathing and shrouding services to unclaimed dead bodies
Our Website – https://edhi.org/