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Sarwana and Sohzsihm Pvt Ltd.

<strong><span style="color: #000000;">English Care</span></strong>

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Toothpaste Manufacturer in Pakistan

Sarwana and Sohzsihm Pvt Ltd. is one of the leading Pakistan-based multi-national companies, manufacturing oral care, beauty & personal care products, and very recently entering into food products.

In collaboration with Sohzsihm Inc., Florida, USA, we have developed unique and innovative products, setting newer standards and market trends. We kept expanding with breakthroughs and innovative product ideas, taking pride in our quality and satisfaction, both internally and to the end consumer.

With a seasonal past, cutting-edge technology, and state-of-the-art research & development facility, we are always looking to expand into various related and newer fields. It is a matter of great pride for us that we have not only given innovative and quality products to consumers in Pakistan and other countries but also set higher benchmarks everywhere!

Our Website – http://snscare.com/
